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Kuratowski’s Closure-Complement Cornucopia

There is a large and scattered literature on Kuratowski’s theorem, most of which focuses on topological spaces; an admirable survey is the paper of Gardner and Jackson.

                                                —Brzozowski, Grant, and Shallit

Literature summary:

2024L. Staiger and K. W. Wagner, The forty nine Kuratowski lattices in the Cantor space. Research Report 573, April 2024. CDMTCS Wayback Scholar Semantic
2024P. Caron, J.-G. Luque, B. Patrou, Presentation of monoids generated by a projection and an involution. 26 pp., 2 February 2024. arXiv Wayback Scholar Semantic
2024M. Bowron, Boundary-border extensions of the Kuratowski monoid. Topology and its Applications, 341(108703):1-35, 1 January 2024. Elsevier Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2022P. Caron, A. Durand, B. Patrou, A study of monoids generated by three unary regular operations: reversal, root and star. Elsevier preprint, 9 November 2022. SSRN Wayback Scholar
2022J. Dassow, The orbit of closure-involution operations: the case of Boolean functions. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 63(2):321-334, 1 June 2022. Springer Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2021J. Dassow, Some remarks on the orbit of closure-involution operations on languages. Information and Computation, 281(104811), 8 pp., December 2021. Elsevier ResearchGate Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2021S. Canilang, M. P. Cohen, N. Graese, I. Seong, The closure-complement-frontier problem in saturated polytopological spaces. New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 51:3-27, 6 August 2021. NZMS Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2020M. P. Cohen, T. Johnson, A. Kral, A. Li, J. Soll, A Kuratowski closure-complement variant whose solution is independent of ZF. arXiv preprint, 26 May 2020. arXiv Wayback Scholar Semantic
2020E. Przemska, The lattices of families of regular sets in topological spaces. Mathematica Slovaca, 70(2):477-488, 2020. De Gruyter ResearchGate Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2020I. Cohen, G. Wences, J. R. Contreras, A. R. Linero, R. S. S. Anillo, A linear version of the Kuratowski problem (in Spanish). Journal of the Foundations of Science, 5(1):63-71, January 2020. Wayback Scholar Semantic English translation by Google Translate
2019J. Jirásek, M. Palmovský, J. Šebej, Kuratowski Algebras Generated by Prefix-, Suffix-, Factor-, and Subword-Free Languages Under Star and Complementation. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 30(6-7):1091-1115, September 2019. World Scientific Scholar Semantic MR ZB Springer HAL Wayback Scholar Semantic ZB
2019J. Dassow, On the orbit of closure-involution operations - the case of formal languages. Theoretical Computer Science, 777:192-203, 19 July 2019. Elsevier Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2019J. H. Santiago, The group‑theoretic analog of Kuratowski’s closure‑complement theorem. American Mathematical Monthly, 126(6)519-526, June 2019. Taylor & Francis JSTOR UNAM Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2019B. Nikolić, Degenerated topological spaces. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 49(2)95-107, 31 March 2019. University of Novi Sad Wayback Scholar Semantic ZB
2019M. V. Volkov, The identities of the free product of a pair of two-element monoids. Algebra Universalis, 80(14), 6 pp., 22 February 2019. Springer Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2018T. Banakh, O. Chervak, T. Martynyuk, M. Pylypovych, A. Ravsky, M. Simkiv, Kuratowski monoids of n‑topological spaces. Topological Algebra and its Applications, 6:1-25, 28 March 2018. De Gruyter Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2018A. P. Farajzadeh and A. Shafie, On Kuratowski’s problem in vector spaces. Bulletin of L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Series: Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanics), 125(4):117-119, 2018. DSpace Wayback Scholar Semantic arXiv Wayback
2017P. Gammie and G. Gioiosa, The Kuratowski Closure-Complement Theorem. Archive of Formal Proofs, 27 October 2017. Isabelle-AFP Wayback Scholar Semantic
2017H. Wang, Y. Wang, D. Tao, Y. Peng, Kuratowski monoids of various orders on lattices. Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 34(3):15-18, September 2017. CAOD FX ZB
2017K. P. Shum, A note on Kuratowski’s theorem and its related topics. Advances in Pure Mathematics 7(8):383-406, August 2017. SCIRP Wayback Scholar Semantic ResearchGate Wayback
2017R. Berghammer, Tool-based relational investigation of closure-interior relatives for finite topological spaces. In P. Höfner, D. Pous, and G. Struth, editors, Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, RAMICS 2017, Lyon, France, volume 10226 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNICS), pp. 60-76, 2017. Springer ResearchGate Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2017A. Gupta and R. D. Sarma, A note on some generalized closure and interior operators in a topological space. Mathematics for Applications, 6:11-20, 2017. Brno University of Technology Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2017R. C. Schwiebert, The radical-annihilator monoid of a ring. Communications in Algebra, 45(4):1601-1617, 2017. Taylor & Francis Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2016C. Câmpeanu, N. Moreira, R. Reis, Distinguishability operations and closures. Fundamenta Informaticae, 148(3-4):243-266, 24 December 2016. IOS Press University of Porto Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2016J. Jirásek and J. Šebej, Kuratowski algebras generated by prefix‑free languages. In Y. S. Han and K. Salomaa, editors, Implementation and Application of Automata, 21st International Conference, CIAA 2016, Seoul, South Korea, July 19-22, 2016, Proceedings, volume 9705 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNICS), pp. 150-162, 2016. Springer Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2015J. Jirásek and G. Jirásková, On the boundary of regular languages. Theoretical Computer Science, 578:42-57, 3 May 2015. Elsevier Scholar Semantic MR ZB Springer St. Mary’s University Wayback
2014R. D. Sarma and A. Gupta, On the k‑numbers of some generalized Kuratowski operators in topology. In 3rd International Conference On Innovative Approach in Applied Physical, Mathematical/Statistical, Chemical Sciences and Emerging Energy Technology for Sustainable Development, APMSCSET 2014, New Delhi, India, September 27-28, 2014, Proceedings, pp. 50-54, 2014. ResearchGate Krishi Sanskriti Wayback Scholar
2014E. A. Ok and G. Riella, Topological closure of translation invariant preorders. Mathematics of Operations Research, 39(3):737-745, August 2014. INFORMS JSTOR Scholar Semantic MR ZB EPRG Wayback
2014A. Grabowski, Topological interpretation of rough sets. Formalized Mathematics, 22(1):89-97, March 2014. De Gruyter Scholar Semantic ZB
2014J. Brzozowski, G. Jirásková, C. Zou, Quotient complexity of closed languages. Theory of Computing Systems, 54:277-292, February 2014. Springer Scholar Semantic MR ZB Springer arXiv Wayback
2013É. Charlier, M. Domaratzki, T. Harju, J. Shallit, Composition and orbits of language operations: finiteness and upper bounds. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 90(6):1171-1196, 2013. Taylor & Francis Scholar Semantic MR ZB Springer arXiv Wayback
2013S. Plewik and M. Walczyńska, The monoid consisting of Kuratowski operations. Journal of Mathematics, 2013(289854), 9 pp., 6 March 2013. Wiley Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2013M. Bowron (proposer), B. S. Burdick (solver), Problem 1898: More on Kuratowski 14-sets. Mathematics Magazine, 85(3):228, March 2012 (proposal), 86(3):231, March 2013 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR ResearchGate Wayback
2013A. Aguado (proposer), M. Bowron (solver), Problem 1888: Closures and complements. Mathematics Magazine, 85(1):62 January 2012 (proposal), 86(1):67–68, February 2013 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR ResearchGate Wayback
2012G. Jirásková and J. Shallit, The state complexity of star-complement-star. In H. C. Yen, O. H. Ibarra (editors), Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, August 14-17, 2012, volume 7410 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNICS), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 380-391, 2012. Springer Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2012O. Al-Hassani, Q. Mahesar, C. Sacerdoti Coen, V. Sorge, A term rewriting system for Kuratowski’s closure-complement problem. In 23rd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA ’12), Nagoya, Japan, May 28 to June 2, 2012, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 15:38-52, 2012. Dagstuhl Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB ARW 2012 Wayback UBIRA Wayback Scholar Semantic
2012S. Cato, Complements and consistent closures. Discrete Mathematics, 312(6):1218-1221, 28 March 2012. Elsevier Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2011Š. Holub and J. Kortelainen, On partitions separating words. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 21(8):1305-1316, December 2011. World Scientific Charles University Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2011J. Shallit and R. Willard, Kuratowski’s theorem for two closure operators. 6 pp., 7 September 2011. arXiv Wayback Scholar Semantic
2011J. Brzozowski, E. Grant, J. Shallit, Closures in formal languages and Kuratowski’s theorem. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 22(2):301-321, 2011. World Scientific Scholar Semantic MR ZB Springer Wayback ZB arXiv Wayback
2011M. Kudlek, A relation between modal logic and language closure operators. Fundamenta Informaticae, 109(3):297-304, 2011. IOS Press Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2010D. Sherman, Variations on Kuratowski’s 14‑set theorem. American Mathematical Monthly, 117(2):113-123, February 2010. Taylor & Francis JSTOR Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB arXiv Wayback
2008B. J. Gardner and M. Jackson, The Kuratowski closure-complement theorem. New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 38:9-44, 2008. University of Tasmania Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2007A. E. McCluskey, D. W. McIntyre, W. S. Watson, The propositional theory of closure. Experimental Mathematics, 16(4):501-512, 2007. Taylor & Francis Project Euclid Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2006A. Grabowski and M. Jastrzębska, Enhancing MML via Isomichi's classification of domains. Mechanized Mathematics and Its Applications, 5(2):11-18, December 2006. ResearchGate Wayback Scholar Semantic
2006M. Bowron (proposer), B. S. Burdick (solver), Problem 11059: Closure, complement, and union. American Mathematical Monthly, 111(1):64-65, January 2004 (proposal), 113(1):83, January 2006 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR ResearchGate Wayback Semantic
2006A. Grabowski, Solving two problems in general topology via types. In J. C. Filliâtre, C. Paulin-Mohring, and B. Werner, editors, Types for Proofs and Programs International Workshop (TYPES 2004), Jouy-en-Josas, France, December 15-18, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, volume 3839 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNICS), pp. 138-153, 2006. Springer Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2005P. Muhm, Kuratowski’s 14‑set theorem — a modal logic view. PhD thesis, University of Houston, 58 pp., December 2005. Proquest Scholar MR
2005A. Grabowski, On the computer-checked solution of the Kuratowski closure-complement problem. Mechanized Mathematics and Its Applications, 4(1):25-34, March 2005. ResearchGate Wayback Scholar Semantic
2004M. Jackson, Semilattices with closure. Algebra Universalis, 52(1):1-37, November 2004. Taylor & Francis ResearchGate Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2004F. D. Farmer, Containment for c, s, t operators on a binary relation. Algebra Universalis, 51:153-175, August 2004. Springer Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2004M. Jackson and T. Stokes, Semilattice pseudo-complements on semigroups. Communications in Algebra, 32(8):2895-2918, 2004. Taylor & Francis ResearchGate Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2003L. K. Bagińska and A. Grabowski, On the Kuratowski closure-complement problem. Journal of Formalized Mathematics, 11, 6 pp., 2003. Mizar Wayback Scholar Semantic
2002J. A. Pomykala, Similarity in relational databases and in information systems theory. Demonstratio Mathematica, 35(4):927-953, 1 October 2002. De Gruyter Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB University of Amsterdam Wayback
2002G. Voutsadakis, On some operations on classes of algebras and coalgebras from a bialgebraic viewpoint. 17 pp., 2002. Wayback
2001B. Tasić, On the partially ordered monoid generated by the operators H, S, P, Ps on classes of algebras. Journal of Algebra, 245(1):1-19, 1 November 2001. Elsevier Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2001D. Mašulović and B. Tasić, Operators on classes of coalgebras. Theoretical Computer Science, 269(1):419-431, 28 October 2001. Elsevier Scholar Semantic MR ZB
2000W. He and Y. Zhang, Interior and boundary in a locale. Advances in Mathematics (China), 29(5):439-443, October 2000. CAOD Scholar MR ZB
1999B. J. Gardner and T. Stokes, Closure rings. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 40(3):413-427, 1999. DML-CZ Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
1998M. Bowron and S. Rabinowitz (proposers), J. Rickard (solver), Problem 10577: Closure, complement, and arbitrary union. American Mathematical Monthly, 104(2):169, February 1997 (proposal), 105(3):282-283, March 1998 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR ResearchGate Wayback Semantic MR
1997E. Q. F. Rezende, R. A. Bacci, R. C. Bassanezi, Semi-group generated by K-limits. Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 16(1):67-82, 1997. Catholic University of the North Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
1996K. P. Shum, Closure functions on the set of positive integers. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 39(4):337-346, 1996. ResearchGate Scholar MR ZB
1995E. Garel and J. P. Olivier, On closures verifying that the interior of a closed element is closed. Communications in Algebra, 23(10):3715-3728, 1995. Taylor & Francis Scholar Semantic MR ZB
1995E. Garel and J. P. Olivier, The opoid generated by transitive closure and interior and symmetric closure and interior: a characterization using generators and relations. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Università e Politecnico di Torino, 53(2):71-88, 1995. Wayback Scholar MR ZB
1995M. S. Moslehian and N. Tavallaii, A generalization of the Kuratowski closure-complement problem. Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, 28:1-9, 1995. University of the Punjab Wayback Scholar MR ZB
1993E. Garel and J. P. Olivier, About the finiteness of monoids generated by closures and interiors. Semigroup Forum, 47(1):341-352, December 1993. EuDML Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
1993K. P. Shum, The amalgamation of closure and boundary functions on semigroups and partially ordered sets. In K. P. Shum and P. C. Yuen, editors, Proceedings of the Conference on Ordered Structures and Algebra of Computer Languages: Hong Kong, 26-29 June 1991, pp. 232–243, 1993. Worldcat Scholar MR ZB
1992S. M. Kam and K. P. Shum, On a problem of P. C. Hammer. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 16(2):123-127, 1992. Worldcat Scholar MR ZB
1991J. H. Fife, The Kuratowski closure-complement problem. Mathematics Magazine, 64(3):180-182, June 1991. Taylor & Francis JSTOR Scholar Semantic MR ZB
1988E. Buchman (proposer), J. Ferrer (solver), Problem E3144: Generating sets in a topological space. American Mathematical Monthly, 93(4):299, April 1986 (proposal), 95(4):353, April 1988 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR MR
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1971S. Baron (proposer), E. Langford (solver), Problem 5569: Kuratowski’s 14‑sets. American Mathematical Monthly, 75(2):199, February 1968 (proposal), 78(4):411, April 1971 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR MR
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1968W. Koenen (proposer), L. F. Meyers (solver), Problem E1941: On two closure problems. American Mathematical Monthly, 73(10):1123, December 1966 (proposal), 75(4):408-409, April 1968 (solution). Taylor & Francis JSTOR MR
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1937E. C. Stopher Jr., Cyclic relations in point set theory. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 43(10):686-694, October 1937. Project Euclid AMS Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB
1937H. Terasaka, The theory of topological lattices: an attempt to formalize general topology and the theory of real functions (in German). Proceedings of the Imperial Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences, 13(10):401-405, 1937. Project Euclid Scholar Semantic ZB
1936S. T. Sanders Jr., Derived sets and their complements. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 42(8):577-584, August 1936. Project Euclid AMS Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB Worldcat
1930M. Zarycki, On the kernel of a set (in German). Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (Annual Report of the German Mathematical Society), 39:154-158, 1930. SUB Wayback Scholar ZB
1928M. Zarycki, General properties of Cantorian coherences (in German). Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 30(3):498-506, July 1928. JSTOR AMS Wayback Scholar Semantic MR ZB English translation by M. Bowron
1928M. Zarycki, Derivation and coherence in abstract sets (in Ukrainian). Zbirnik Matematichno-Prirodopisno-Likarskoi Sektsii Naukovogo Tovaristva (Proceedings of the Mathematical-Natural History-Medical Section of the Scientific Society), 27:247-259, 1928. TNTU Wayback Scholar
1927M. Zarycki, Quelques notions fondamentales de l'analysis situs au point du vue de l'algèbre de la logique (Some fundamental concepts of topology in terms of the algebra of logic). Fundamenta Mathematicae, 9:3-15, 1927. Library of Science EuDML Wayback Scholar Semantic ZB English translation by M. Bowron
1922C. Kuratowski, Sur l'opération Ā de l'analysis situs (On the topological closure operation). Fundamenta Mathematicae, 3:182-199, 1922. EuDML Wayback Scholar Semantic ZB English translation by M. Bowron
< 1920?Did anyone alternately add limit points and take complements before Kuratowski?
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